Destiny Share Bungie Accidentally Nerfs Black Hammer And Fix Incoming
Gamers don’t need to go far to know that Destiny is among the most divisive games around; the title’s struggles are well documented. Moreover, no matter what Bungie tries to…
Gamers don’t need to go far to know that Destiny is among the most divisive games around; the title’s struggles are well documented. Moreover, no matter what Bungie tries to…
Last week, Bungie revealed details about The Reef, Destiny power leveling new social space in the upcoming House of Wolves expansion. As part of this week’s continuation of coverage, the…
Are you new to Destiny? Don’t know what any of this means? Good news! There’s a Destiny power leveling that’s packed with information. Click on through for details on what…
“Destiny” game developer, Bungie, has revealed more details about its upcoming DLC “House of Wolves.” The upcoming DLC pack promises something that will “change the way the game is played”…
Syracuse, N.Y. — Lots of tenants are shifting spots at Destiny USA and a few new stores are set to open. Here’s an update: On the new tenant front, work…
Enraged Cinema is a Twitch streamer that recently made a trip out to Bungie to get his hands on the upcoming House of Wolves for Destiny power leveling. During his…
Destiny’s Iron Banner event is much loved by the game’s community which is why it’s not surprising to see it return after a brief time out. It has been confirmed…
Every Friday is a holiday when you’re a Destiny fan. That’s when Xur, Agent of the Nine, appears in a random part of the game’s Tower social hub to peddle…
Destiny’s limited time PvP Iron Banner event will return this coming Tuesday, April 28, developer Bungie has announced as part of the latest Bungie Weekly Update The event kicks off…
More specifically, the developer took the game’s complex (some would even call it convoluted) currency and consumable selection and made it even more so. And although it’s true that the…