Sekrion is your main target but as is the case with Nightfall missions, several modifiers are in effect.

These include Angry (enemies don’t flinch), Epic (heavily shielded and plentiful enemies), Juggler (no ammo for your currently equipped weapon), Void Burn (void damage is greatly increased and this works for both you and your enemies) and Nightfall (return to orbit once your entire team dies in a Darkness Zone).

The weekly refresh for Bungie’s Destiny has come and gone, replacing the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall for the week. Last week saw players head to the Summoning Pits to face Phogoth the Untamed but this week, you’ll be going to Venus and visiting the Nexus.

The Weekly Heroic modifiers include Juggler and Heroic (tougher and higher number of enemies).

For the Nightfall, make sure to pack the Word of Crota or Atheon’s Epilogue to deal with mobs. Truth, Against All Odds and other Void heavies along with Swordbreaker and Praedyth’s Revenge will be your best friends. What are your thoughts on the weeklies? Let us know below.