Now that we know that Destiny’s massively anticipated House of Wolves DLC expansion has an official release date of May 19th 2015, players of the popular multiplayer shooter have been clamouring for some new official information from Bungie. Sitting at just over a month away, the House of Wolves has been a long time coming, or at least it feels that way for Guardians.

To help appease the masses that have been diligently waiting for their next Destiny fix, Bungie have scheduled a Twitch broadcast that will show off a number of the new gear upgrades coming to the game, as well as some of the new areas that until now have only really been seen by glitching your way through certain areas of the game.

The stream will be going live at 11 a.m. Pacific, which is around 2 p.m. Eastern, on Bungie’s official Twitch channel. If you’re interested in the upcoming DLC, then this is a must see stream for sure.