The Elder Scrolls Online will see Update 17 go live today. Update 17 includes some major changes like the new Outfit System which allows players to customize their look regardless of equipped gear. The Elder Scrolls Online takes place in one connected world where you can stay up to date with everything your friends are doing. The Elder Scrolls Online is available now. For more on what Update 17 will include, make sure to check out below:

The Elder Scrolls Online

Home Storage System: this highly anticipated feature provides players the opportunity to lock items away safely in their homes via the Homestead housing system. If you have difficulty in buying cheap eso gold, we are your the best option.

The Outfit System: allows players to customize the look of their equipment, regardless of equipped gear.

Additional Gameplay Features: new quality of life additions will help new and experienced players get the most out of ESO, including the new Level Up and Skills Advisors, guiding players to the best upgrades when they level up and improvements to combat, making it easier to identify and activate ability synergies.

Two New Battlegrounds: the Orc Stronghold of Mor Khazgur and the Dwarven ruins of Deeping Drome bring 2 new arenas for 4v4v4 multiplayer mayhem (Battlegrounds PvP requires ESO: Morrowind).

Many gamers thought that The Elder Scrolls Online would contain everything found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and build upon that. Skyrim is so popular, in part, because it features unpredictable encounters with the legendary scaled beasts. In the Elder Scrolls Online, there are also significant changes coming to the combat mechanics which make it easier to identify and activate complex abilities. We will never tired of updating more news, you can go to website at any time.