Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood include a new Chronicles of the New Era quest called ‘The Hunt for Omega’ and a new raid dungeon called Omega: Deltascape. Now, the 4.01 patch notes for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood have been posted. Meanwhile, including also information about new quests added, action and trait adjustments as well as tweaks in PvP, open world enemies and so forth. Gamers plan to buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil & FFXIV Power Leveling at FFXIV4GIL.

Final Fantasy XIV

This following is some information on some actions and traits that have been adjusted in patch 4.01:

Troubadour – Now affects both self and nearby party members.

Bhavacakra – Potency increased from 550 to 600.

Dark Knight
Spinning Slash – Enmity effect has been increased.
Unleash – Enmity effect has been increased.
Bloodspiller – Potency has been increased from 380 to 400. Dark Arts potency has been increased from 520 to 540.

Savage Blade – Enmity effect has been increased.
Flash – Enmity effect has been increased.

Heavy Swing – TP cost has been reduced from 70 to 60.
Skull Sunder – Enmity effect has been increased.
Overpower – Enmity effect has been increased.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood will be getting a new update, which will be launched on all platforms and it will have a lightweight size of 217.42 MB when viewed on the PC. What’s more, other update details also revealed. More details about those update, reference to here.