
Xur: Agent of the Nine has become a more important entity in Destiny. Not only do you need him to upgrade your old weapons and equipment but you also have to buy an Urn if you want to do a specific Eris questline.

You need a lot of strange coins for getting most of these items and it would help if you use all your motes of light on buying the helmet engram.

He can be found near the Crucible vendor and here’s his loot for December 12, 2014.

Purchasable Exotics

  • Ruin Wings (Titan, DLC exotic, gauntlets, 106 Strength)
  • Achlophage Symbiote (Hunter, helmet, 101 Discipline)
  • Voidfang Vestments (Warlock, chest piece, 139 Strength)
  • Truth (Rocket launcher)
  • Exotic Shard
  • Helmet Engram

Upgraded Exotics (Must have item equipped, costs 1 Exotic Shard and between 7000 and 8000 glimmer):

  • Mask of the Third Man (Hunter, helmet, 92 Intellect)
  • Young Ahamkara’s Spine (Hunter, gauntlets, 109 Discipline)
  • The Armamentarium (Titan, chest piece, 167 Discipline)
  • No Backup Plans (Titan, gauntlets, 111 Strength)
  • Light Beyond Nemesis (Warlock, helmet, 103 Strength)
  • Sunbreakers (Warlock, gauntlets, 87 Intellect)
  • Suros Regime (Auto rifle)
  • Red Death (Pulse rifle)
  • The Last Word (Hand cannon)
  • Thorn (Hand cannon)
  • Icebreaker (Sniper rifle)
  • Thunderlord (Machine gun)

What did you buy? Let us know in the comments section below.Any help for destiny power leveling, visit buy destiny power leveling.