The recent 1.1.1 update might still be fresh in Destiny power leveling minds, but Bungie is already moving on. They know that there are still areas that their successful shooter can improve and are actively working on ways to achieve those goals.


In today’s Weekly Bungie Update, the developer wanted Destiny players to know that they have already begun work on the next patch for the game. As of right now, Bungie doesn’t have anything official to announce, but they want players to know that will soon change.

Like with Destiny update 1.1.1, Bungie’s plan is to slowly but surely detail their upcoming update through regularly Weekly posts. Those posts will, among other things, include interviews with the developers who are working to add new features or fix problematic bugs. Some will remember Bungie did a similar thing with the dev who was working on fixing the heavy ammo bug.

As far as when players can expect this next update, it sounds as if Bungie is targeting a pre-House of Wolves release date. With that DLC expansion slated to release sometime after March 31st it makes sense that Bungie get one big update in before letting players explore the new content. Granted, we expect some of those fixes will address bugs within House of Wolves, much like the last update before The Dark Below tweaked its content, but there are hopefully even more changes and additions on the way.


While it would be hard to point at just one area when it comes to a Destiny update, one place that Bungie fans hope the developer is looking at is Vault space. Bungie already heeded fan requests for a way to move inventory without visiting the Tower, so the next logical step is increasing that storage space. Bungie almost has to up the Vault space before House of Wolves adds another set of raid weapons and gear, not to mention new exotics, to the fray.

For now, though, gamers should get their wish lists ready. Bungie has been more active as of late – engaging with players and trying to better understand what they want out of Destiny. They’ve also been more open about how they approach changes, like explaining why they closed the Destiny loot cave, which helps alleviate concerns Bungie is just making changes to punish.

Look for more details about Destiny’s next update on Thursday of next week.

What do you hope to see in the next Destiny update?